Friday, July 17, 2009

The Neverending Saturday

I felt like I was stuck in Saturday, July 11th 2009 for eternity. Here is how my groundhog day went...

3:15am (Sat) Alarm goes off, JOY.
4:15am Arrive at Kadena AFB Passenger Terminal
6:45am Discover I have nabbed the LAST seat on the Patriot Express to Seattle, WA!
9:05am Depart Kadena AFB for Iwakuni (Japan)
10:25am Arrive Iwakuni
12:15pm Depart Iwakuni for Yokota (Japan)
1:15pm Arrive Yokota
4:05pm Depart Yokota for Seattle, WA


8:35am (Sat) Arrive in Seattle!

I won't bore you with more flight times, but to sum it all up, I finally arrived on Saturday at 11:55pm in Houston! When I got into the car with my dad and saw that the time was 12:15am, I said, "Thank God, it's finally Sunday!".

Flying into Houston

1 comment:

Charity said...

Hope you are enjoying the states. Love and miss you! Take some pictures of Target so I can live vicariously through you.