Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Toothpaste Squeezin' Fish Thingies

While shopping at Okinawa's version of Bed Bath and Beyond today, Max Plus, I saw these and HAD to have them! They have sooooo many colorful, random gadgets there! Some of the things they carry make you say, "What the .... ?!". Who knew I needed a set of toothpaste squeezing fish! Very handy though, especially since Brian ALWAYS squeezes from the MIDDLE of the toothpaste tube and it DRIVES ME NUTS. Does this annoy anyone else or am I just crazy?

Oh, and please excuse the fuzzy pictures. Brian is off on a yacht, surfing in the Maldives and HOPEFULLY taking lots and lots of pictures with our camera. (Rough life, I KNOW.) In the meantime, I am stuck with our old dinosaur-of-a-camera. Once he gets back on the 15th, I'll be sure to share his pictures with y'all!

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