Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ikei Island

Brian has been to Ikei many times to surf, but today was my first time joining him. It was about an hour drive north-east of Kadena AFB.

The drive was really pretty...

We went over a big red bridge to get over to the island.

The surf spot Brian likes to go to is right in front of the "Big Time Resort". I didn't see anything "big time" about this junky hotel. Not what I was expecting.

It was beautiful, but windy! Too blown out for him to surf.


So, we hung out at Big Time for a bit and then headed back. On the way, we stopped at another surf spot in the middle of nowhere. We walked down a trail of about a mile to get to the beach. I guess Brian got bored, because he stuck this in the back of his shorts and was singing, "shake yo tail feather" on the way down. I tried to get video, but accidentally had the camera at the wrong angle. Anyways, it was pretty hilarious.

Walking down...

Still going...

AHA! We made it! So nice! Too bad the surf was small here, too.

We hit the JACKPOT on sea glass at the second beach! Here is what we collected before we got too tired and hungry and were ready to head home:

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