Friday, June 4, 2010

Last Vacation for Two

Jess & Brian May 2010

Over the Memorial Day weekend, Brian and I were able to go to Okuma for three nights. Our friends Laura and Robby had reservations (which are hard to get for holiday weekends), but couldn't go because they ended up PCSing right before Memorial Day weekend. So, they were nice enough to pass along their reservations to us! I was really excited because seeing as how I was 33 weeks pregnant, I could no longer fly anywhere for our final vacation for two. I know Brian really wanted to go surfing in Bali, but that will have to be a trip for next time.

Anyways, we ended up having a great time despite the clouds! The first night we got there, we had dinner at the restaurant and then went over to the JAL Resort next door to try out their spa. We were both really impressed and I think it was the nicest spa I've been to on Okinawa so far!

JAL Okuma Spa

8.5 months

I got a facial, and Brian got a massage. I felt bad because I kept having to twist around and lay on my side instead of my back, but the lady was really nice and just kept bringing me more pillows in order to make me comfortable. After our relaxing treatments, we were served a tray of lemongrass and peppermint tea (delish!) and some brown sugar treats. It was a great first evening together!

The next day, Brian signed up for wakeboarding and for me to ride on the boat and watch. He did a great job for only his second time wakeboarding!

We also went on a boat (just the two of us) that took us snorkeling. We finally worked up the courage to try the waterproof video camera underwater. It turned out great, but then when we uploaded them on the computer, they looked choppy. I am not sure why, but here they are anyways!

We also rented racing bikes, played board games, grilled burgers, made smores, and Brian did some guitar playing and A LOT more wakeboarding! I think he found a new hobby and he wants to go back soon to do it again.

This one makes me laugh because I didn't know Brian was making a peace sign behind me.

Our last day there was the prettiest. The sun finally came out and we didn't want to leave. At least we know it is only an hour and a half away if we ever want to get away again. However, next time I think it may be as a family of three!

A big thanks to "Aunt Charity" for watching Zeke over the weekend so we could get away! Zeke says "bark bark" (thank you). :)


Charity said...

Anytime! Zeke was a piece of cake to watch.

Eve said...

Looks like you had an amazing time! I love the snorkeling videos! I'll have to try the JAL spa sometime, I feel more relaxed just seeing pictures.