Sunday, July 18, 2010

Eviction Notice

Due date came and went. I actually would have bet money last night that I was going into labor. However, I woke up this morning and... nothing.

Our doctor is going on leave to the states at the end of next week, so we scheduled an induction for Wednesday before she leaves (41 weeks). We are hoping he comes on his own before then, but if not, now we know we will have our doctor that we have grown to love. Not some other doctor who has never seen us before, some other doctor who might just like to give episiotomies for the hell of it.

So... here is your official eviction notice, kid. You have three days to vacate the premises or be forcibly removed due to double occupancy in a single unit rental dwelling.


The Management (A.K.A. Mommy & Daddy)


Liesl said...

this eviction notice is so cute!! i loved it!

Good luck and God Bless your growing family!

Eve said...

awww can't wait to meet him, I can only imagine how you both feel! So excited for you!

Anonymous said...

Thats hilarious! hope everything goes smoothly on Wednesday or before.. we love you guys!!

-Leslie McCoig

Liza said...

LOL! Love this blog post!