Tuesday, July 13, 2010

That Sure is Swell!

Well, for those of you wondering... still no baby. Due date is tomorrow and we have our next appointment tomorrow afternoon.

Meanwhile, my hands are getting so SWOLLEN! I haven't been able to wear my wedding rings for a while, but now they are starting to really hurt. I even wake up in the middle of the night and massage them with lotion to make them feel better. I am going to ask my doctor what else I can do for them besides drinking more water. I am hoping she prescribes me daily manicures, complete with hand massages.

I feel like this little fellow with HUGE hands...


Chris and Amy said...

I think your swollen handsd are the same size as my normal hands. :) I have chubby fingers and toes.

Jennie said...

Ah, I remember the foot massages fondly... It will all go away within a couple days of delivery - amazing!

Eve said...

haha you're funny! But you look soooo beautiful, I think you are the most beautiful preggo lady I've ever seen. No one will notice your swollen hands, but I'm sorry they hurt! I think manis/massages don't sound like a bad idea at all ;)