Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Tour of Texas

So, we made it up to Little Rock on Thursday evening after stopping in San Antonio and Fort Worth on the way up.

We left Tuesday and stopped in San Antonio, Texas and had dinner with Kathi, Jimmy, and Meghan at Boudro's on the Riverwalk. Their homemade guacamole made table side is INCREDIBLE!

Then we continued on to Fort Worth, Texas where we stopped and had dinner with Brian's sister Amanda and her boyfriend Ryan. We ate at Reata downtown and had a nice view of the area from their rooftop patio.

After dinner, we went to The Flying Saucer where if you drink all 200 of their different beers, you get your name on a saucer on the wall. You have a limit to 3 a day though, so it would take you 67 times there minimum to finish it! What an accomplishment. Of course Brian had to get in some picking on your little sister time too...

Finally, we continued our lovely Tour of Texas and went on into Arkansas. We got Brian checked in at the Little Rock Air Force Base and he has begun his training on the C-130J simulators for the summer. While I was there for the weekend, we went downtown and checked out a cool farmer's market, walked over the Arkansas River, and went to Little Rock's Flying Saucer.

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