Monday, February 9, 2009


Hopefully nobody else needs basil anytime soon around here. I just drove all over town trying to find some since the commissary has apparently stopped ordering food (right, Charity?). I don't know what their deal is and why they can't have more of a selection. I finally found some (woohoo!) and bought it all up. So if anyone needs some, I am selling it for 10x the original price, 1,000 yen a pack. :)


Charity said...

YES! They have been out of a ton of stuff for two weeks and don't seem to be in much of a hurry to replace anything.

Heather Hansen said...

LOL! You’re quite an entrepreneur.

Barry Pickens said...


Your CHI Hair-Straightener needs a Japanese home to live in, and someone with long blond hair to use it.
I repaired it by replacing a Little_Fuse 3 amp, which soldered to the circuit board where the on/off switch is located.