Monday, April 6, 2009

Camping,Take 2

On Friday, we went to Sam's by the Sea. REALLY fun restaurant with awesome seafood. The waiters all dress like sailors and there is a parrot on the front porch as you walk in. We wanted to take a picture out in front of the tiki torches, and got this...

The next morning, we decided to go camping again since we had so much fun last weekend. We went to the same place only this time Brian's friend, Justin, and his girlfriend, Chieko, went with us. We had a good time, and Brian was glad to have a surf buddy. However, I think I have had my fill of camping for a little while. I didn't sleep as well this time, and was soooo tired when we got back and just crashed for a 2 hour nap.

Here is one of me and my crazy hair driving up there. I love how blue the water is here! I match!

Justin and Brian jammed on the guitar after we cooked dinner while we sat around the campfire.

Brian sitting by the fire, I think this one is really cool.

After playing some guitar and a few beers later, Brian tied an old dish towel to the end of a stick and lit it on fire. Then, Justin showed me how to make my camera have a longer exposure and Brian spun it round and round, pretty cool!

Sunrise from inside the car when I woke up.

Looking around for some surf on the way back home...


Charity said...

Looks like fun! Next time, we are comign with you!

Liza said...

Sounds fun! Been meaning to try that restaurant!

Amy Hart said...

We just went to Sam's on Kokusai Street for our anniversary. It was great--my favorite dinner since we've been on the island. I've been meaning to suggest that we should all go there for dinner!