Sunday, June 14, 2009

Quarter of a Century

At Sam's by the Sea for a birthday dinner, ARRRGH!

I want to send a BIG thank you to all of my friends and family for making my 25th birthday amazing! Thank you for the packages in the mail, the cards, presents, phone calls, good company, and laughs! I couldn't ask for more! I love you guys! xoxo

Funny story... A lot of my friends out here in Okinawa are "old" (in their early thirties, HA!) and I am the baby of the group (except for Liza). For Charity's birthday, I gave her some tiny plastic toy dinosaurs since she is soooo old. Well, yesterday she decided to turn the tables and give me a pink sippy cup. HA! I took a shot out of the sippy cup last night, and letmejusttellyou, it was like chugging from a baby bottle! It was NOT easy. Oh, and thank you Kellee for the baby brush/comb, toddler toothbrush/toothpaste, and pacifiers! Hardy har har.


Liza said...

LOL! I wanted to laugh at you last night, but feel like a dork since it applies to me too! Glad I got to spend your night with you!

The Pennington's said...

So much fun! Thanks for letting us celebrate with you! Happy Bday!

Chris and Amy said...

I felt old just reading the title of this post!