Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Today, Charity and I went to a spa called Chula-U in American Village. Chula-U is a casual resort swimming pool spa. There are indoor bath areas (which I was not brave enough to try) and indoor and outdoor pools. We chose to go to the outdoor pool, overlooking Sunset Beach, since it was a beautiful (and HOT) day.

As you walk into Chula-U, you put your shoes in a cubby, pay 1,000 yen (10 bucks), and get a locker key. We walked through the locker room (where lots of naked Japanese women were roaming around), and out to the pool area. We saw this sign while leaving the nakedness and entering the pool area...

Chula-U's swimming pools have natural spring water that has good health effects such as regaining energy. I don't feel very energized, so maybe the sun drained all the energy I received from the spring water. Oh well. While floating on my back in the water, I realized that there was MUSIC. WHAT?! It was COMING FROM UNDER THE WATER! Way cool.

We walked out of the pool area, straight to the beach for a little while. The beach was alright, but the tide was really low. I tried to get some studying in for the GRE I am taking when I go back to Texas next month, but had a hard time. They were blaring music on the speakers that made me feel like I was at a dance club. FYI-It definitely is not a kid-friendly beach seeing as the music lyrics dropped F-bombs and other curse words in every song.

After soaking up some rays, we went back inside through the locker room. They had a sign when we entered that said to dry your swimsuit before entering. I had never seen one of these bathing suit dryers until today. It is such a great invention! We pressed the green button and our suits were dry in about 60 seconds!

Before leaving, I wanted to try the infamous "Dr. Fish". Charity had tried it before, and said they nibble at your feet and they make your feet soft in about 20 minutes. Ok, sounds kinda freaky and gross, but I'll try it. I found this blurb about it on their website: "TSUIBAMI to suck the old horny skin cyprinid freshwater fish are expected to help to promote skin metabolism. かわいい魚のお医者さんに会いに来て下さいね。 Do please come to see the doctor pretty fish."


I sat down on the edge of the Dr. Fish pool and stuck my feet in, hesitantly. OH. MY. GOD. That feeling of the first fish touching my sensitive, ticklish feet sent chills up my spine. I yanked my footsies outta there faster than you can say Jack Robinson. No thank you, Dr. Fish. I would not like for you to nibble at my feet today (or any other day), thankyouverymuch.

Charity was brave and left her feet in there for about 10 minutes while she laughed at me and called me chicken.

We did not get massages or anything this time, but I would like to go back and try them out! On our way out to the parking lot, we saw a group of people with their feet in a little pool/fountain thing outside of the spa. Maybe they didn't want to spend the 1,000 yen to go inside and just wanted to cool their feet off?

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