Friday, July 17, 2009

Norman E. Barbier (Papaw)

One of my fondest memories as a child is of visiting my Nanny and Papaw for a week each summer. My mom and I would meet them halfway to La Marque from Bear Creek, and it was usually at the same Randall's grocery store. I would be so excited the whole way there! It was the highlight of my summer!

Papaw was so encouraging. He always told me I could become anything, even an Olympic athlete. He would take me to the Mall of the Mainland to run on the track, feed the birds, and for a canoe camp once in which one of those birds we so happily fed earlier decided my hair was a wonderful place to, um, relieve said food.

During one of these summer visits, we were in the old Jimmy going back to La Marque from Moody Gardens and the beach when we ran into a bunch of traffic. We didn't have much gas so we pulled over to the side for about an hour. We just talked and laughed. He never got impatient or angry. He was so easy-going. I would always look forward to these visits with him and Nanny. I loved each moment I got to spend with Papaw.

Papaw lived a long, wonderful life of 90 years that were full of love for his friends, family, and beautiful bride of 64 years. He will truly be missed by all who knew him. He is now dancing in heaven.

July 4th 2009
One of the last pictures taken of Papaw with Nanny on the left and Jolie on his lap!


Liza said...

Great memories Jess!

Chris and Amy said...

That was beautiful.