Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been meaning to show you some pictures from Brian's surf trip to the Maldives. For those of you wondering where the heck the Maldives are, here is a little map:

He got on this boat once he arrived, and cruised around on it for ten days. Each of the 7 guys that went had their own cabin with bathroom.

The boat took them to all the different surf breaks. The boat would anchor near the break, and they would jump on this boat, "The Donny" (which carried all the surfboards), to get closer to the waves.Look at all those boards!

They had a friendly crew who cooked them breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He said the food was fresh and really good, especially after a long day of surfing.


He took soooo many pictures, but here are a couple of my favorites...

Ooohh. Pretty.

I like this one because it gives you an idea of how HUGE the waves are! Oh Em Gee!

To see some really nice professional pictures taken by an Aussie he met, click here. Brian is in pictures #2, 21, 22, and 30.