Thursday, September 24, 2009

Increased Heart Rate

WARNING: Do NOT read if you have a weak stomach or are afraid of lizards, insects, or leftover food scrapings.

Ok, so last week we realized there was a baby gecko that moved into the house. He decided to make his home here:

We thought, okay, sure. Don't try and kill the thing or get it out. They eat moths, beetles, SPIDERS, and all kinds of insects. COOL! P.S. Have you SEEN the spiders we have here in Okinawa?!!! We have, TWICE! Let me just fill you in. The enormous things look like this:


Today, I start to do the dishes and see our friendly little baby gecko CRAWL INTO THE SINK. I freaked out a little. Okay, a lot. If you don't know me, I am DEATHLY AFRAID OF ANYTHING THAT CRAWLS. I sprayed it with water trying to get it into the drain. Side note: We don't have disposals out in town here, just a little basket to catch all the food that gets down there from the dishes. I continue to finish washing the dishes, praying to God that he does not crawl out of the drain and eat me alive. This is what he looked like when I finished: (Please excuse the gross food in the basket.)

R.I.P. baby gecko. I am sorry, but you needed to stay in your little home and not come out and scare me like that during the day! Oh, and my wonderful husband will be emptying that nasty basket when he gets home. :)


Chris and Amy said...

Poor gecko. :( I'll move geckos for you next time. :)

Caitlin said...

You just need a helpful cat-ours seems to take care of the gecko problems rather quickly!