Monday, October 19, 2009

Pasta, Passion, and Pistols

On Saturday, the girls and I got together at the house for a little murder mystery party- Pasta, Passion, and Pistols. We had a great night of Italian food, wine, laughs, scandal, and MURDER.

Here is a group shot. From left to right: Mandy (Father Alfredo), Liza (Mama Rosa), Laura (Marco Roni), Amy (Tara Misu), Charity (Rocco Scarfazzi), Me (Bo Jalais), and Kellee (Angel Roni). I stuck my mustache back on right before this pic, and accidentally put it on upside down! Oops.

Amy (Tara Misu) and Charity (Rocco Scarfazzi). They are engaged to be married! Sweet chest hair, Rocco!

Me (Bo Jalais), and Mandy Nabors (Father Alfredo). By the way, her dad is a minister!

Me and Charity (Bo and Rocco).

The La Sperenza restaurant is ready for the family dinner honoring the late Pepi Roni.We all had a great time! I won't tell you who the killer was, but it was a shock to us all! Charity was the only one who was onto the mystery!

We finished in about 2 hours, and then changed clothes and went to a karaoke bar for some more good times! Here are some pics of our new friends we made...

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