Sunday, October 25, 2009

Wednesday Wandering

Last Wednesday, Charity and I were getting a little restless. The life of a play-at-home housewife wrangled us away from the stacks of laundry and dishes and took us about an hour north to Nago. We first tried to go to Pizza in the Sky, only to discover they were closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. We turned around and made our way to the Nago Pineapple Park instead and on the way we saw signs for Beach Rock Village. We remembered reading an article about the village before, so we decided to try it out. It was a little sketchy since the road was a 1 1/2 lane gravel road that twisted and turned, but there were lots of handmade signs pointing us in the right direction.

Once we got there, we ordered lunch and they asked us where we wanted to sit. One of our choices was to EAT IN A TREE. Yep. So cool! We happily climbed up the ladders to our little tree table like two little kids.

Once our food was ready, they put the plates on this dumb waiter and pulled it up to us!

I ordered the taco rice. It wasn't very good, but I didn't care- I was in a TREE! Next time I want to try their fresh pizza. It looked really good.

Charity ordered curry. I thought it was okay, but Charity wasn't a fan of the coconut flavor in it.

Going back down...

After our lunch adventure, we went to the Pineapple Park. We paid a mere 500 yen ($5), which included a ride on an automatic pineapple golf cart through pineapple fields and a tropical garden. The cart played a recording that explained everything we were passing. One of the genius bits of information we learned was that the word pineapple actually comes from TWO words, "pine" and "apple". WOW, THANKS. Towards the end, I heard the voice on the recording get excited and say, "!", so I turned and smiled to have my picture taken as we passed. Charity, however, did not know what the heck was going on- that was a funny picture that we did NOT buy. We did buy this one though...

Here are some pictures from the ride...

After the 10 minute ride, they forced us to walk through a shell museum (random!) and a gift shop where we were able to sample unlimited pineapple products. They had everything from pineapple cake to pineapple lotions and perfumes. The best part was the pineapple WINE samples! The "Kiss" wine was my favorite and I bought a couple bottles. After OD'ing on pineapple samples, we topped it off with pineapple soft-serve ice cream. YUM. I think I'm in love with the stuff.

We're going to have to make another trip up there this week for another go at Pizza in the Sky and maybe a trip to the aquarium! Life is rough.

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