Wednesday, November 4, 2009

One Year Down...

Two more to go! It has been exactly one year since we arrived on Okinawa! I have to admit, we were full of emotions coming out here. Skeptical, excited, scared, anxious, worried. After getting over the initial culture shock and adjusting to the life of our first duty station, we began to call it home. It makes me think of a sign we have in the house that says, "HOME IS WHERE THE MARINES SEND US". So true.

I have to say, it is nice to not deal with this for three years!

Last year, our plane landed the night of the annual Marine Corps Ball. Last night was our first ball in Okinawa. Here are some pictures...

I just need to say...I LOVE a man in uniform!

Table for Captain Matt Freeman. What a hero.

HUGE cake!

Lt. Col. Patrick & his wife, Laura. He is Brian's Commanding Officer (CO).

Tara Miles and I. She is a friend and the Executive Officer's (XO's) wife.

Crystal & Dave Mache (Our VERY HELPFUL sponsors when we arrived in Japan)

L to R: Caitlin, me, Kristen, Nicole, and Crystal

My hair-do. I wasn't a fan at first, but it grew on me.

What an amazing year we had! I am so grateful for all of the friends we have made and experiences we have had! I couldn't ask for more. Here's to another amazing year in Japan! Cheers!

1 comment:

Chris and Amy said...

I'm glad you're here and you look like a frickin' goddess in your dress!