Sunday, January 31, 2010

So Long, Farewell...

...Our moving day has come! I picked up the keys and the garage remotes yesterday! (and YES, I said GARAGE!!! *cue heavenly music*) Brian is landing as I type this from spending three weeks in Hawaii, just in time to help out with the move tomorrow and Tuesday! Welcome home, right? Heh.

We are only moving about ten minutes away from where we are now, so it should be easy. We wanted to be closer to the Sunabe Seawall (where Brian surfs) and we needed more room for guests and when the baby arrives!

We'll be disconnected from the internet and our Magic Jack house phone for a little while (hopefully not TOO long because I need to do school stuff online), so if you call and don't get through, that's why. We're not screening your calls.

I'll try and post pictures as soon as we get unpacked! I have a deadline since we are having our first visitor on Feb 23rd! A friend from flight school's wife, Ann, is coming for a week and a half! Her husband is stationed at Kadena for a couple months, so she is coming out to visit from Washington! My parents recently bought tickets to come visit as well!!! They are coming on March 12th for TWO WEEKS! I can't wait! It is going to be a busy couple of months... Stay tuned. :)

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