Thursday, February 11, 2010

Christmas Gift

Here is a video from when we told some of Brian's family the big news on Christmas day! Brian had already told his sister, Amanda, the news when he saw her in Phoenix over Thanksgiving. She did a GREAT job of keeping it a secret until Christmas! She was standing out of the video to the right, and she showed them a picture of the sonogram while we were all talking on the web cam (and having a few technical difficulties with the sound)...

I think it is funny that Kathi, Brian's mom, got on me for going on a cruise while pregnant. What, pregnant people can't go on vacations, too? :) I suppose the elephant ride WAS a bit dangerous, but now I can say my son/daughter rode on a elephant in Thailand while in UTERO! HA! Oh, and speaking of son/daughter, we are hoping to find out tomorrow morning! *crossing fingers* We'll keep you posted! :)

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