Tuesday, March 9, 2010

First Visitor!

Ann & I- Corpus Christi- April 2008

I had my first "visitor"! I say "visitor" because Ann didn't actually stay at the house, she stayed with her husband who is on deployment and living on base. (Tough place for a deployment, eh?) But, I picked her up every day and we explored and goofed off! Her husband was able to get off a couple days while she was here, so he was able to explore with us a little bit.

Ann's husband was in flight school with Brian and they were winged together in Corpus Christi. That is how we all became friends. I hadn't seen Ann since then, so it was really nice to catch up and hang out for the week and a half that she was here!

Here is a pic of the guys in flight school, they are the only two blondes- bottom right:

And another one from the winging party we had at the house:

Ann and I had a great time! My parents are coming this Friday for a two week vacation! I can't wait! I will post more pictures of everything after they leave. I don't want to spoil any of the sights before they get to see them!

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