Monday, March 22, 2010

Baby Shower!

Yesterday my good friends Charity, Leah, and Andromache threw me an awesome baby shower at The Macaroni Grill on base! Mom and Dad are still here visiting (and we're having a GREAT time!), so Mom was able to come celebrate the upcoming arrival of Baby Boy Simmons with us! :) It was such a special day and I was overwhelmed with the immense love and support I have from so many friends out here (and back home). It is amazing how many close friends you can make in just 16 months. I am truly blessed.

I know friends and family members back home were sad that they couldn't make it here for the shower, but they sent lots of gifts (which Charity has been graciously hauling from her PO Box to her house for me and then to the shower! Thanks, Charity!) and they were in my thoughts during the shower!

The girls did an awesome job on the decor! It was a jungle theme with lions and tigers and monkeys, OH MY! So cute.

My friend Jena made the cake and it was delicious! Poor thing sliced open her finger while cutting a wooden dowel for the cake support and ended up in the ER with a stitch! In the end, she was okay and the cake was still finished in time and was WONDERFUL!

Mom & I

L to R: Jena, Heather, Amy S, Liza, Laura, and Amy H.

Me with the hostesses and Mom (L to R: Leah, Mom, me, Andromache, and Charity)

Andromache made an adorable diaper cake! My friends are talented I tell ya! I need to take some lessons because I am no Martha Stewart, that’s for sure.

Check out the decorations Leah made that hung from the ceiling! So cool!

The food was delicious! The girls had all sorts of hors d' oeuvres for us like calamari, shrimp and artichoke dip, caprese salad, and stuffed mushrooms. It was yummyyyy.

We all had a great time hanging out and ooohing and ahhhing over all of the adorable gifts I got. We also played a couple of games like "guess the size of my belly" and "baby shower bingo". It was funny to have people guess the size of my belly since I am still not showing a lot. I am only 24 weeks right now and Baby Simmons still has LOTS of growing to do!

It was a wonderful shower and the girls left me with flowers, a pack-n-play, and a guest book with notes from everyone that had date night ideas and new mommy tips that are really great! (Especially the babysitting offers! haha) I feel more and more prepared for this baby every day, especially after receiving so many gifts and pieces of advice yesterday. Zeke however is NOT. He jumped in my car when I got home and immediately thought all of it was for him and began chewing on this lion that was on one of the tables as a decoration... He's in for a rude awakening this summer! :)

If you are interested in seeing all of the pics from the baby shower, I have them posted on shutterfly @

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