Thursday, April 8, 2010

Big in Japan

When I arrived at the Naha airport to pick up my mom and dad, I couldn't see them and was starting to wonder where they were. Suddenly, I spotted my dad sticking up over everyone at the luggage carousel and was so excited! I didn't get a picture, but it was similar to this one...

Dad at the aquarium

We had a great time over the two weeks that they were here and I think they are already planning their next trip out!

We ate tons of fish. TONS! We ate sushi a lot and also bought Grouper and Giant Prawns (twice!) from this awesome fish market we found in Awase (near Sam's by the Sea), which we cooked here at the house.

Awase Fish Market

Cleaning our Grouper for us

Dad with his sushi boat at Yoshi's

At a delicious new sushi bar in American Village, above McDonalds

Dad went diving about 4 times with Doug from Reef Encounters on the Sunabe Seawall (about a 5 minute walk from my front door) and LOVED it! He couldn't get enough! We also went with Doug to the Kerama Islands for some diving and Mom and I snorkeled. I had never been out there, but it was BE-A-U-TIFUL! It was about a 30-40 minute (beautiful) boat ride from the marina right in between American Village and the Sushi Zen area. Right when we got out to the islands, we got to see a HUMPBACK WHALE! We had talked about going on a whale watching tour, but now we didn't have to! We stopped and watched him blow water for a few minutes and then continued on our way.

While Dad was diving in one of the spots (there were three spots), he said he could actually HEAR the whales underwater! He said they were really loud so he thought he might see them, but he never did. I wish I could have experienced that, but my butt was way too cold to get back in that water. I just snorkeled the first spot and sat out the last two to warm up, eat lunch, and just enjoy the scenery.

Here is a video of Mom and Dad jet lagged (haha, sorry Mom and Dad for posting it!), but getting some much needed coffee before going to the Keramas. The second one is of the whale we saw. I caught him at the beginning of the video, and then the dumb boat ahead of us got in the way. Still, it's cool! :) The third video is just me messing around before we went out on the first dive/snorkel.

Here are some pictures from the Kerama Islands trip. I wish I had been more daring and used the video camera underwater (since it is waterproof for up to 10 ft!), but I was afraid I would drop it or something. So, I just took pictures with it, which aren't the greatest quality...

Brian and I always joke that Japanese people have the wonderful gift of being able to pass out ANYWHERE. INSTANTLY. Planes, trains, buses, and even... BOATS!

After we got back from the Keramas, we packed up the car and headed north to Okuma for the night. We got there just in time for sunset. Dad grilled us some delicious steaks, which we ate with homemade potato salad, baked beans, and corn. The next morning, we explored a little and found this beautiful little gem on the northern beach...

And this little shelter. Not really sure what it was used for, but it looked old.

We hiked up to this lookout area with a beautiful view! That beach down there is the private beach in front of the private beach cottage that you can rent. I asked about reserving it and it was booked up until July! I guess Brian and I won't be staying there before the baby arrives. Oh well. :(

We were going to stay another night at Okuma, but Brian had just returned that night from being gone for five weeks! So, we headed back to see him and for the guys to go deep-sea fishing the following morning. On the way back, we stopped at the Churaumi Aquarium in Nago. Dad was picking the turtle's nose, ha!

We did a lot of other fun things while they were here like getting pedicures at Cocoks, watching the sunsets, going to Ryukyu Mura, Maeda Point, a traditional Japanese tea ceremony, Kokusai Street, OH....and lots more eating!

Mom relaxing at Cocoks (nail salon)

Our pedicures!

Mom & Dad enjoying the East China Sea sunset


Do I really have to caption this one?

Pretty lame performance at Ryukyu Mura

Maeda Point- cold and windy, Grr!

Mom & Dad checking out the scenery at Maeda

Mom, Dad, me, and Leah at the tea ceremony


Kobe steak and lobster at Four Seasons, Mmmm!

Genki- sushi lunch

Dad trying Awamori at Su-Su-Soon for the first time and Mom giving it a sniff

Dad at Transit Cafe

I was (of course) sad to see them leave at the end of the two weeks and found my pregnant, emotional self crying on the way home after dropping them off at the airport. Thanks for coming out to visit, Mom & Dad! I love you both so much! XOXO

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