Friday, April 30, 2010

I Heart Okuma!

I had a fantastic weekend at Okuma! I love it up there. I could seriously go up there every weekend. No traffic. No noise. Just the sound of the waves crashing. Bliss.

I drove up early Saturday morning (Brian was out of town) to meet with Charity, Amy, Laura, Kellee, and their families. Since it was a little overcast, we went to Hiji Falls to see what it was all about. I am so glad we did! It was amazing and it was nice to get a little exercise!

Charity and Chris at the small waterfalls at the beginning of the hike

There were lots of these stairs throughout the trail. I took it slow because it was a bit slippery!

We made it!

Charity is loving the falls!

Laura, Amy, Charity, and Kellee up on the rock. I was too chicken to get up there.

Later that night, we went out to dinner at the Okuma restaurant. Remind me not to get the jumbo shrimp scampi again. It was NOT good AND it took forever to come out because according to the restaurant manager, "waitress make HUGE mistake". After dinner, we went to the little bar across from the restaurant and had some good times! Well, I did until the clock struck midnight, but then I had to call it a night because I was so tired. The rest of the gang stayed up until almost 4am! I may or may not have missed out on some skinny dipping and an interesting smelling bonfire while I was fast asleep in my bed. Is that rubber I smell?! HA!

The next day was SUNDAY FUN DAY! The sun was out, but the gang was NOT. Hmm. Wonder why? I was surprised to see Charity awake though! She and I went to get coffee and breakfast while the rest of the group slept in. We were outside at the beach pretty much all day from 11-6! So, it is not surprising that some of us (including me) got a bit of a sunburn.

Some of the gang on the banana boat ride!

Jack and Brayden = BFFs

Amy's husband, Chris, digging a belly hole for me to lay down in the sand!

Amy, Laura, and me on the parasailing boat! (Before poor Amy got seasick.)

Chris and Amy taking off!

Me and Laura!

Up, up, and AWAY!!! SO much fun. And regardless of what people think about a pregnant woman parasailing, I am GLAD I did it and I'd do it again! Don't tell me it's dangerous if you haven't tried it!

After parasailing, some of my other girlfriends arrived so I packed up and headed over to a different room to spend three nights with these crazies...

Leah and Andromache

Becky and Eve

Stay tuned for more Okuma!...

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