Friday, April 30, 2010

I Heart Okuma- Part Deux

Have you read Okuma- Part One yet?

Sunday night when the girls arrived, we went to dinner at the restaurant (food was MUCH better this time and no "HUGE mistake" was made). After dinner, we played games and watched movies in the room. I don't think I have laughed so much in a long time (or played so many games!). During the entire week, we played Charades, Yahtzee, Skip-Bo, Apples to Apples, Dominoes, and I'm sure I am forgetting some.

Monday it was starting to look like a nice day, so we went to the beach for a little while.


The dark clouds started rolling in so we went inside for lunch and then rented these babies...

Becky- ALWAYS on her phone!

They were so much fun!

Roasting marshmallows after dinner

Becky and Andromache

Mmm, smores!


On Tuesday it was nasty out (and they turned off the power at Okuma for the ENTIRE DAY to do maintenance), so we piled in the car and headed out for coffee, Hedo Point, and The British Wine and Tea Shop! I'd already been to Hedo Point, so I didn't take any pictures.

I did take lots of pictures at the British Wine and Tea Shop though. It was a really neat restaurant in the middle of the woods. We drove down this one lane road over the river and through the woods until we came to this beautiful home. Once we got out, we were greeted by two small, black dogs (which later we were told by the British owner, John, that they were "FOCKING PEDIGREE POODLES" when we asked if they were cockapoos. LOL!)

The five of us girls walked in the door and John shouted in his British accent, "FIVE YANKEE DOODLES, CHEF!". He was quite the character as he was talking to us and cracking jokes the entire time we were there. I felt like I was Alice, having tea with the Mad Hatter.

The owner and chef, John.

All of us "Yankee Doodles"

My delicious ham quiche and salad that was to DIE FOR.

We ended up ordering just about everything on the menu and sharing. We ordered EVERY dessert they had. John works as a team with his wife, who is the pastry chef. My favorite was the baked-to-order scones. I can't wait to go back and get this again! *drool*


The cheesecake with blueberry compote. Good, but very rich!

Pavlova with tangerine sauce. I liked the pavlova, but not the tart sauce.

And finally, the chocolate cake. Heavenly! My second favorite.

I loved the wine and tea shop, and can't wait to go back when Korina comes to visit. Which, by the way, is in TWELVE DAYS! WOOHOO! We just may have to stay a couple nights in Okuma, too. ;)

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