Friday, May 21, 2010

Hooo Hooo Heeeeee

Brian and I attended an all-day birthing class today at the Navy hospital. We weren't sure what to expect, but we were pleasantly surprised. The teacher (who was also a nurse) was extremely funny and animated, which definitely made the class interesting. She kept explaining to us that labor was hard work (she had three children without any drugs) and that "Yo baby ain't just gonna flyyyy out like in the movies!".

We both learned a lot about the birthing process that we will SOON be going through. She walked us through step by step, explaining what was going to happen from the start of labor at home to finally transferring to the postpartum area of the hospital with your new baby. She gave us a tour of the labor and delivery area of the hospital, which was nicer than I had imagined a military hospital to be. She eased some of our fears and prepared us by giving us lots of great tips.

The teacher also involved the dads in a lot of activities and demonstrations. Brian got to experience how it feels to carry around an extra 25lbs by wearing an empathy belly (and boobs!). After about 30 seconds of wearing it, he rushed to the bathroom to pee because it was pushing on his bladder so much. HA! Pretty realistic if you ask me.

He was also involved in a little skit where he and another dad found a pregnant woman (one of the dads with the belly strapped on) going into labor at Burger King (the Whopper must have done it). They pretended to bring her to the hospital and coach her through her birth. Here is a quick video of the proud moment...

Less than 8 weeks and counting!

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