Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Falker Satherhood!

As Cake Wrecks would say. Or Happy Father's Day for those of us who are not illiterate cake decorators.

I am proud to honor a (very) soon-to-be father this year, my awesome husband. I love you so much and you are going to be an amazing daddy!

Brian fishing at his dad's house in Corpus Christi, TX

Brian and Zeke- September 2006

And right up there with you is this amazing dad...

Berkeley- Jessica's dad

And this one...

Steve (Brian's dad) and all the kids- July 2009

And this one...

Brian and his step-dad, Jimmy

And can't forget this one...

CJ (Brian's grandpa) with his bird dog, Dixie.

I couldn't find a picture, but Happy Father's Day to Ralph as well! (Brian's other grandpa)

And Happy Father's Day to all the other dads out there!

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