Wednesday, June 2, 2010


...And it feels so good!

As most of you know, my parents flew my best friend, Korina, out to visit me last month! Here are some highlights from the eight days that went by WAYYYYY too quickly.

We did a lot of walking around our neighborhood. It may sound boring, but there is a lot to see and do without having to drive anywhere. For example, this beach is about three blocks away from the house...

And this seawall is at the end of our street...

And this restaurant (Transit Cafe) is right down the road...

After exploring the neighborhood a bit, we went to a place called Ryukyu Mura. I had been once with my parents, but it was rainy that day so we didn't pay to see the outdoor part of it. Turns out, it was a pretty cool place that introduced Korina to some Okinawan culture.

A woman weaving brightly colored square coasters that were for sale.

There was also a parade in the courtyard that we caught just in time. The parade condensed a year's worth of festivals into one: Usudeku, Karate, Miruku, Kajimayah, Lion Dance, Juri, Mamidoma & Eisa. It was pretty interesting and Korina even got to join in on the fun!

Also at Ryukyu Mura, we saw this ox that was walking around in circles causing the mechanism in the middle of the circle to squeeze liquid from the sugar cane. It was really sad to watch because the Ox was reallllyyyyyyyyyy sweaty and looked so tired. Korina took a picture with the poor guy. They sold brown sugar products in the store next to this, but we didn't buy anything.

Finally, we came across the famous DR. FISH. I had NO PROBLEM talking Korina into doing this, and she LIKED it! *gasp* I tried it once last year and couldn't keep my feet in because it was just too weird to have little fish nibbling your dead skin off. She said her feet were soft afterward, so I guess it works!

While Korina was here, her favorite meal was the spicy ramen from my favortite place in American Village. Here is a picture of how you order, via vending machine! You pay and pick what you want and then a little ticket spits out that you give to your waitress. I love Japan. And ramen!

And of course you can't eat ramen (or go to American Village) without stopping for some Yogurt Land!

One night, we went to the Urashima Dinner Theater through Camp Foster Tours. We loaded up on a bus and headed down to Naha with our tour guide. We signed up in advance for the meal we wanted, Okinawan or American. Seeing as how Korina just CAME from America, I picked Okinawan for us both. BAD IDEA. REPEAT. BAD IDEA! If you go on this tour, do NOT try to be "daring". Stick with the American course. Unless you are on a diet, then the Okinawan meal would be great. We didn't eat at least half of the courses that came out. Stay tuned for pictures! And don't say you weren't warned.

Ready for the show!

First dance. There were I think 10 dances total. 5 during the first half, and 5 more after a short intermission.

I forgot to take a picture of the sashimi we got first, but it was tuna and yellow tail. Seeing as how Korina and I are both pregnant, we were still hungry by the time this lovely custard above came out. It was hot and tasted horrible. Next up was this FATTTTYYYYY piece of pork below. We picked at it a little, but it was pretty much all fat. And we were still hungry. Luckily the dances were keeping us happy and entertained while another dish came out that I forgot to take a picture of. It was three kinds of fried seaweed. YUM. *insert sarcasm*

At LAST! Something I recognize! Lobster! It tasted okay. Pretty dry and it needed more flavoring. Like lemon or butter. Preferably both. (Sorry I ate half of it before I remembered to take a picture. I was starving by that point!)

This was our favorite plate. White sticky rice and miso soup. YUM! Things were lookin' up!

Dessert! Sweet pineapple. Now that, we liked! :)

Korina & I with the all female cast of dancers

The dinner theater was a good experience and while I probably wouldn't do it again, I am glad we went. We had a good time together watching the show and laughing quietly to ourselves (and with the table next to us who also ordered the Okinawan dinner) after each course came out and trying to guess what was in it.

I was happy to be able to introduce Korina to most of my friends while she was here. We went to a birthday party for our friends Jace and Andromache Weaver that was supposed to be at Torii Beach, but got rained out. They ended up BBQing at their house instead and we all had a good time! Korina even got to witness a protest of the American military that was happening right outside (Andromache and Jace live right across from a Marine Corps base).

I was also able to introduce her to another group of my friends while we all got pedicures and nail art at Cocoks! It was my friend Laura's last time to get a Cocok's pedicure before PCSing back to the states.

All of our beautiful toes!

We also went to Shuri Castle one morning and to Kokusai Street after exploring the castle.

Korina throwing a yennie into the wishing well.

Shuri Castle

Kokusai Street

Korina posing on Kokusai Street

Exploring all of the shops on Kokusai Street

We also ate plenty of sushi while she was here. Here we are at my favorite place, Sushi Zen.

At another sushi place I like in American Village. YUM!

One day we took a trip up north to Nago and explored the Churami Aquarium, Beach Rock Village, and the Nago Pineapple Park.

Beautiful day for the aquarium!

Look at those whale sharks!


Tree hugger. Lunch in a tree @ Beach Rock Village.

Our yummy pizza!

I look a little too happy here. Wonder why...

Nago Pineapple Park!

Korina, Leah, and I all rented snorkel gear and wetsuits one day and went out right at the Sunabe Seawall by my house and Transit Cafe. It was beautiful! We saw so many cool fish, brightly colored corals, starfish, and even a sea snake! Eek! I am glad I didn't see it until we were already on our way back to shore to go in!

At Kadena Marina, where we rented the snorkel gear.

We had such an amazing time together and are already planning our next trip together to introduce our little bundles of joy to each other! :) I love you, girl! XOXO

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I miss you!