Friday, July 2, 2010

Guess Baby Simmons' Arrival!


I was trying to think of a blog post for this week when a friend mentioned the idea of having people predict Baby Simmons' arrival day!

So, here's the deal. Just leave a comment with the day (and if you want, write morning or evening next to it) of when you think he'll come. The winner will get a little something, but I haven't decided what it will be yet.

Brian and I are both curious to see when he will actually come. My actual due date is July 14th.

What do YOU think? Good luck and have a wonderful 4th of July weekend!

My guess- 7.14
Brian's guess- 7.21 (I HOPE NOT!)


Eve said...

Brad guesses 7/12 am. I guess 7/10pm because I can't wait to see him!

Charity said...

I'll guess 7/18. But I hope he comes sooner! I know you're ready.

Anonymous said...

I guess July 24th, in the am...hugs & kisses, Mama (Mom)

jbg said...

July 25 - watch out for the full moon :0

Chris and Amy said...

I'm going with 26 July because it's Chris' birthday, but I hope it's sooner because I bet you're uncomfortable in this heat!

Liza said...

Eve took my guess of 7/10, oh well. I say 7/15, that's Keiko's birthday too!

Jennie said...

I'm gonna guess the 17th in the wee hours of the morning :)