Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Taxi, Please?

We got a sponsor today! They assign you someone over there to pick you up from the airport, drive you around, help you get set up and find a house and cars, etc...a personal taxi service! It is a couple with a 2 year old that live on base. Brian actually went to TBS with him and so that is comforting that he knows him already.

We got Zeke a reservation at Karing Kennels until Dec 12th, the last day of his quarantine. Thanks to Larissa on Okinawa Hai Society! :o)

We will be moving out of our place here in Corpus on the 1st and staying with Steve on the Island until we leave. If you need our address there it is:

15402 Gun Cay Ct. #601
Corpus Christi, TX 78418

Brian leaves to go to San Diego tomorrow for water survival and I will fly out and meet him for the weekend once he finishes! I am so excited to see California since I have never been (except for when I was little and don't remember)!

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