Monday, October 13, 2008

(Not so) Sunny San Diego

Brian went to water survival in San Diego and I met him there for a few days after he finished. Apparently it hardly EVER rains in San Diego, so of course I go when it rains for most of the trip.

Despite it being chilly and me not being prepared for that (I had to buy a pair of Marine issued sweatpants at the Exchange), we had a wonderful time!

We stayed in a cabin on the north end of Camp Pendleton. Brian discovered he could WALK to the popular surf spot, Trestles, from our cabin! That was a nice surprise for him. :o) We had a kitchen and outdoor grill, so we cooked steaks and watched the sunset one night.

The weather cleared up toward the end of the trip and I actually traded in my USMC sweats for my swimsuit on the last day! We also got to hang out with a few old friends that are stationed there now. We all had a great time. Here is a picture of Rob Jorgenson, Joe Anagnos, and Brian when we went to dinner in Carlsbad. They all had been together in training since the beginning until recently.
Only 3 more weeks until we fly out. We are getting very anxious. Keep us in your prayers. Thanks!

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