Friday, January 16, 2009

Escape from the Cold

Here are some pictures from my trip this week to Guam...

Nice view from our balcony

Here's me going down the slide at the Outrigger (hotel we stayed at)... Soooo fun! I went down a bunch of times. The kids there were going down backwards, they were braver than me.

Found these pretty flowers (plumeria and not sure what the pink one is) that had fallen into the pool.

I shopped til I dropped since they had an actual American MALL there. (Okinawa doesn't really have American stores) They had Macy's, K-Mart, and Ross... so great! Anyways, I was getting pretty tired by this point and decided to sit down for a second. Then I saw the sign, oops.

Marine Corps Drive, baby! Ooh Rah!

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