Monday, January 19, 2009

Weekend Update

Here are some pictures from the weekend... I am not posting about Friday night (went to the TWILIGHT movie) since Charity and Heather already summed it up well! Thanks girls!

Saturday night I met Charity and her hubby, and Laura and her two girls at the bowling alley. I'll just say one thing, $1.50 bowling, woohoo!! How awesome is that?! I KNOW!Then, I finally took Zeke for a long overdue grooming sesh today. The "Nabors" suggested Wagging Tail, outside of Kadena Gate 1 on 58. They did a great job! And even gave Zeke a tiny MOHAWK! Brian will be happy. He has wanted Zeke to have one ever since we got him 2 years ago!

1 comment:

Charity said...

That is HILARIOUS! He looks so adorable. :-)