Thursday, February 26, 2009

I like to eat, eat...

Sorry it has been two weeks since I posted! To tell you the truth, there hasn't been anything going on that is really worth posting about! Brian made it back last Wednesday, and I am really enjoying having him back! (And he is glad to be back and have home cooked meals every night!) Which reminds me, I need to go to the grocery store. That boy can EAT!

He is busy this week planning his first overnight flight since we have been on Okinawa. He is going to Indonesia on Saturday, just for one night. He will get his over water certification after this flight. Pretty cool!

Here is Brian last weekend warming up to play some Rock Band.

On Monday, Charity, Amy, and I checked out this Blueberry Cafe on the top (7th floor) of a building that is within walking distance of our place. They had good coffee and views, but I would not eat the buffet there again.

Yesterday was Charity's Birthday! (Happy B-day again for the 1,000th time!) Our lunch group went to Krishna's yesterday for some delicious Indian food! I didn't know I liked Indian food so much! I had the prawn curry with naan bread, rice, tandoori chicken, raita (yogurt dessert), and a salad. It was tons of food for 1500 yen. That included iced tea too. Not bad.

My picture of Charity while she is taking a picture...

...of me!

My yummy lunch!

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