Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Breath mint, anyone?

We went to a popular restaurant this evening called Arin Krin, also known as "The Garlic Restaurant". It was really good (garlic pizza was my favorite), and I ate the food so quickly that I forgot to take pictures. Oops. However, I did take pictures of the Alice-in-Wonderland bathroom (TINY doors), and some funny stuff painted on the outside of the building

Maybe it will help me stay hoalthy and prevent the flu that is going around Brian's office...
This one is for all my SAE girls...


Heather Hansen said...

I have pictures of the aftermath from one visit... It made me sick to look at it afterward and know we ate that much food. Bleh!

I love that place.

Chris and Amy said...

You look like you could be Alice in Wonderland with your gorgeous blond hair! Now, you just need a blue and white dress. :) See you Friday.

Liza said...

I love the garlic pizza too! It's so simple, but OMG! Yummy!