Monday, March 30, 2009


This weekend (despite the rain) Brian & I went camping. We drove all the way up to the northern tip of the island, and let me just say... BEAUTIFUL! I wish it had been sunny, but we still had a great time together. I can't even imagine what it looks like when the sun is out!

We drove around trying to find a place to camp. We ended up here:

It is on the north-east side of the island, I believe it is called Aha. It was like our own private beach! VERY cool. Brian has a large, ahem, van. Minivan if you ask me, but don't tell him that. So, we camped in the van. It was actually a lot more comfy that I expected. The seats all fold down in the back, like a bed, so it was nice.

The rain let up when we found our camping spot (yay!), so we set up some tarps in case it started raining again, cooked some steaks and beans, and popped open a bottle of wine.

Here is a picture of our "camp" and Brian starting a fire.

It was really nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of where we live in central Okinawa. I can't wait to do it again when the weather is better and the water is warmer! Here are some more pictures from the drive...


Charity said...

Looks like so much fun! Can't wait to go with you next time... :-)

Heather Hansen said...

Looks like fun! I'll do it when the weather is warmer. :)

Chris and Amy said...
