Monday, March 16, 2009

Thanks, Mom!

I heart getting care packages. Thanks for the one I got today, Mom!

She sent a bunch of stuff, and even some for Zeke, a blue camo bandana and a "I heart my dog" luggage tag. By the way, Zeke got a full-on mohawk yesterday when I took him to the groomer. One word, UGLY. I may just have to shave it off, even though Brian wanted it and likes it. Ew.

Zeke tasting the luggage tag...
Not so yummy...
Ugly mohawk...
They shaved his face too, and it looks so weird. He looks really pale now, like he is ill. I can't wait 'til it grows out!


Chris and Amy said...

Poor Zeke! He's thinking "Why, Mommy, Why?" He's still adorable though. I usually hate my haircuts when I first get them, but then come around. Maybe it will be the same for you liking Zeke's do.

Charity said...

I think it's adorable! Now he looks young and hip and less like the old man who growls at Cooper.

Life as a Weaver said...
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Life as a Weaver said...

I think he looks pretty cute!

adie1983 said...

Hi Jessica! I had no idea you guys were living in Japan. The pictures look beautiful, glad to see you guys are doing well!