Friday, April 3, 2009

Seimei Weekend

Here in Okinawa, there is a tradition where families gather and visit the tombs of their ancestors. It is called Seimei, pronounced "she-me". It is this weekend. And, for all of you who don't know, our street is lined with tombs. I know it is a little creepy, but at least it makes for a quiet neighborhood (except for this weekend)! Minus the rooster that crows in the middle of the afternoon. Okinawans don't bury the deceased, they put their ashes inside tombs, which are located all over the island.

I found an interesting blog about it here. My favorite line is, "Lastly, paper representing money is burned and offered to the ancestors. I guess that's because in Heaven they don't take credit cards."

Have a great weekend!


Heather Hansen said...

In MY version of heaven... there are TOTALLY credit cards!!!!!

Liza said...

Yeah, credit cards that we never have to pay for!

Chris and Amy said...

Thanks for the lesson. I want to know more about where we live, but always seem to learn about things too late.