Monday, May 18, 2009

Just another day in paradise

This weekend was so relaxing. The weather was wonderful again, but it sure is warming up fast! I start sweating as soon as I walk outside now. For the past couple months, I have been starting off my weekends with wonderful Friday lunches with the girls. This week, we went to Transit Cafe. It overlooks the East China Sea on the Sunabe Seawall. I am so blessed to have met a great group of girlfriends out here! We have sooo much fun together.

However, Bekah- Heather's daughter, was NOT on this particular day. She is so cute! I got to babysit her and her bro Seth last night and they are hilarious!

Me, Charity, Seth, and Amy H.

Heather, Amy S., and Liza

The view

Saturday morning, we went and had brunch and coffee at Coffee Casa near the seawall. Brian was reading a surf magazine.

We like it there because they don't mind if we bring Zeke along...

**Side note: Later, Saturday afternoon, we went snorkeling and Brian went down too deep I guess. He has had ear issues before (3 years ago) and didn't think it would happen again, but it DID. Afterwards, the pain in his right ear got worse and worse until I finally took him to the ER on base around 8pm. He got some ear drops and pain meds and is fine now.

Yesterday (Sunday), we took Zeke to Comprehensive Park. We had never been there before, but it is HUGE. Charity and Amie showed us around and took their pups as well. We were only there a couple hours and only saw maybe 1/3 of the whole park. We just got too hot and didn't want the dogs to overheat. Zeke has been sleeping non-stop ever since we got back.

Taking a water break in the shade.

Zeke's fur is a magnet and attracts everything, this time it was a leaf on his right ear. Later in the day he was covered in little black needle things. Sheesh!

There was a fish pond. Check out the white one! CREEPY!

I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Dad- HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sow was the trip to Mexico? xoxo


Charity said...

What a fun weekend!

Heather Hansen said...

really cute picts!

Chris and Amy said...

I bet he was freaking out with his ear a little! Whenever things happen to Chris' eyes or ears he worries a little - that's his moneymaker!