Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day at Okuma

This four-day holiday weekend snuck up on me. We didn't plan any trips or anything fun in advance. Friday morning I found myself going, "CRAP. What are we gonna do this weekend?! Sit at home?". Looking around online, I discovered that Okuma had openings for Monday night. Wait, WHAT?! On a HOLIDAY WEEKEND?! No WAY.

Fast forward to Friday at lunch with the girls. We talked about Okuma and decided to rent out the 14 person cabin. Charity & Chris carpooled with us for the 1.5-2 hour drive. I say 1.5 because that's how long it took us to get there on Monday morning. Coming back today, however, it took 2 hours. Brian missed the exit for the expressway and I was too busy playing with my iphone to notice, so we took 58 south all the way home.

The sun decided to come out all day Monday, and we had a great time!

Brian & Chris decided to attempt wake boarding for the first time (after Brian defined it for Chris, who had never heard of it!). Charity and I got to ride along on the boat and laugh at them when they face planted cheer them on! They both did really well in the end, especially for first-timers! I have an entire water camera full of pics from this, so that will be a blog post for another day. However, Charity got these shots before her camera died...

After the guys did the wake boarding thing, TEN of us went on the double banana boat (when they pull you on a banana-shaped tube behind a boat). It was really fun, but I was not good at holding on. I got thrown off just about EVERY time people got thrown off. I am sore and bruised today. ugh.

On our way to the restaurant after sunset...

A little sunburned, but a cute one. Kellee, Laura, Charity, and I.

Brian, I see you...

We hope everyone else had a great Memorial Day weekend!

1 comment:

Mary and Sean said...

Hi Jessica!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and the encouragement about the challenge. You certainly look like you're having fun here in OKi. I'll take you up on the offer to try a new food sometime!