Sunday, May 3, 2009


We have been so blessed lately with AMAZING weather! Sunshine ALL week! Today Charity and I went to Araha beach. We relaxed and attempted to get rid of the pasty whiteness on our legs! We rented a two-person kayak and paddled around the chilly water for a little arm workout. I think we worked more on taking pictures than actual paddling!

Ok, I guess we did do a little paddling. Um, Charity, how are you paddling AND taking pictures?! Uh huh.

We layed out and people watched. We watched a bride and groom get their pictures taken for a while. You can see them in the background here. The bride had TWO lacy umbrellas! Charity mentioned she probably had SPF 200 on as well. The Japanese are very protective of their skin. But, seeing as how skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States, we had our sunscreen on!

Getting ready to do a little surfing...

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

1 comment:

Charity said...

How do I paddle AND take pics? I'm uber-talented. Yeah, that's it! :-)