Monday, June 15, 2009

Frosty Paws

Happy 3rd Birthday, Zeke! He and the dog next-door, Shrek (who we are watching this week while his owners are in Hawaii), celebrated this evening with a little Frosty Paws. Apparently it is ice cream made just for dogs that is fortified with protein, vitamins and minerals! My friend Amy told me about it a while back, so I figured this would be the perfect time to try it out!

Zeke dug in right away...

However, Shrek didn't know what to think about the stuff. (He is licking his lips at it though!)

After a minute, he decided it was delicious!


Chris and Amy said...

For the mom that doesn't want to bake a dog birthday cake frosty paws are the way to go! Yum yum yum!

JT said...

Oooh is that something I can find in the states?! Might be good to keep around for a really hot California day!

Jessica Simmons said...

Probably! I was shocked to find it at the commissary in the ice cream section. Especially since they don't carry fresh chicken, but they have Frosty Paws!