Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunshine State

Pensacola Beach

Last weekend, I booked a last minute trip to Florida to visit my best friend, Korina! When I canceled my flight to Houston, I received a $103.00 Continental Airlines credit. I figured I would look around for cheap flights to use the credit on while in the states. I looked on Continental's weekly specials and VOILA, only $119 round trip! So, I made my way to Pensacola, Florida for the bargain price of $16!

Well, you either get what you pay for, or I have the worst luck. My flight was delayed TWO hours. WHILE WE WERE ON THE PLANE. Houston was going through a dry-spell and no rain for weeks and yadda yadda yadda. The second I get to the airport, a HUGE MONSOON COMES!!! Complete with thunder and lightning so wild and crazy that I was pretty nervous about boarding.

Anyways, I called Korina when we were finally getting to the front of the line to take off. "Korina, I know I should be landing now, but we're just about ready to take-off! Go get a drink somewhere while you wait for me! See you soon!"

I hate being delayed.

After getting there safe and sound, we had a fabulous (rain-free) weekend! We went to Pensacola Beach, the boardwalk, Bamboo Willies, Hooters, the mall, Olive Garden, and had some pool time at her house. It was so nice to just catch up on everthing over a bottle of wine and have some girl time.

In front of the mall

Live band at Bamboo Willie's on the boardwalk.

FRIED PICKLES from Hooters! *drool*

Korina's dog, Drake, taking a break from running around to cool off in his pool.

For all my Okinawa girlfriends who read this: I have not been blinded by the fried pickles and trips to Olive Garden and forgotten about y'all! I miss you TONS! xoxo


Chris and Amy said...

I swear I was going to comment even before I saw the picture of the dog, but I do love that dog. It looks like a reverse color version of Rana. I'm glad, and jealous, that you got to Florida! I was planning on waiting until Sept. 2010 before heading home, but I don't know if I can hold out that long! Hope the rest of your trip goes well and that your flights back are better. :)

Liza said...

We miss you too! But glad you're having a blast in the states!