Saturday, August 1, 2009

Buy Me Some Peanuts and Cracker Jacks!

Last Saturday, I went to a Houston Astros game vs. the New York Mets! Despite the fact that they smeared us 3-10, we had fun! Here are some pics...

This one is for my Texan friend, Laura, who lives in Okinawa and LOVES Chick-fil-A!

The train full of oranges (Minute Maid Stadium) that goes around when they get a home run. Yeah, that thing stayed put on Saturday. Poor Astros. Notice the foul post that is done by Chick-fil-A, "Eat more fowl".

Mom & I

Me, Mom, and Grandma. Grandma is a HUGE Astros fan!

Dad with a statue of Biggio. Looks like the birds have taken a liking to his hat!

1 comment:

The Pennington's said...

Thanks Jess! Boy do I miss Chic Fil A and the Astros!! Glad you are having such a great time. Miss you!!