Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Cold Beer!

Last weekend I went with the gang to the annual Orion Beer Festival! For those of you who do not live here, Orion is brewed on Okinawa and is sold at all the festivals and restaurants.

We also saw the Eisa dancing competitions in the stadium next to the beer festival in honor of Obon. Obon is a Japanese holiday similar to the Mexican "Dia de los Muertos" in that they both have customs involving family reunion and care of ancestors' grave/tomb sites. The Eisa dancing is traditional at important religious functions and gives repose to the dead.

Eisa Dancers

Entrance to the beer festival.


L to R: Laura, Charity, and Kellee

The festival ended with an amazing fireworks show! Good times!


Anonymous said...

Brian, from 1972 to late 1974 while assigned to 62d MP Company, Camp Sukiran, we also enjoyed Asahi and Kirin beer along with Orion. When I first arrived on island, I was amazed that for 100 yen, you could buy it out of vending machines on the sidewalks. Enjoy your tour there; my wife and I certainly did! Our first son was born there in the, then, US Army Hospital, Camp Kue. I spent a lot of time racing all over the island as one of the Army's MP Accident Investigators.

M.D. Austing
Dennison, OH

The Pennington's said...

So much fun!!!