Thursday, January 15, 2009

Space A 101

In order to thaw out from the chilly weather Okinawa had been having, I jumped on a "Space A" (space available) flight to Guam for a few days! This was my first time to try the whole Space A thing, but I went with the "Space A Queen" (Christina) who has done it a lot over the past couple years, so I knew I was in good hands.

She had some books to help in case we had to take a flight somewhere else first in order to get back home to Kadena. 'Temporary Military Lodging Around the World', and another one, I can't remember. I found a few books though when I typed in "Military Space A" on Amazon.

So, we decide we want to go to Guam and two days later I pack my bags and head to the Kadena Passenger Terminal. They have a "roll call" time, but they said to get there 30 minutes before roll call. There were only about 10 people wanting to get on the big (and comfy) C-40, so we got on no problem.

For those of you wondering what we did before heading down for roll call here ya go:

1. Went to husband's squadron and asked the adjatent (sp?) for EML (Environmental Moral Leave) papers, and a command sponsorship letter. Took about 15 minutes.

2. Called the Kadena Passenger Terminal (634-2159) for flight times, available seats, and what time roll call was. (Christina called them the night before the flight and the morning off also to make sure it was still on)

3. Signed up for the flight on this website.

4. Called the Andersen AFB (Guam) terminal to plan our (tentative) return trip to see what flights they had when coming back to Kadena.

5. Took passport, military ID, EML papers, command sponsorship letter, and copies of email confirmation the website (#3) sent me after signing up online.

It all went very smoothly. We got on the flights we wanted to when we wanted to! :o) For the flight home, we rode on a C-9 (very comfy also). I was plesantly surprised for my first experince with Space-A. Great (FREE) flights! Can't wait to do it again!

I will post pictures from the trip tomorrow... :o)


Liza said...

is there a limit to how many EML we can take? i heard its 2.

Jessica Simmons said...

I think you are right. If you are not on EML though, you can still travel on your command sponsored letter, but at a category 5 instead of 4.

Life as a Weaver said...

I am definately interested in learning more about Space A. It sounds like you have the hang of it now!
Thanks for letting me read your has answered several of my questions about Japan!

Andromache Weaver